History of the Bulgarian Photo Album

In late 1994, on the nascent internet, there were only a handful of pictures from Bulgaria on an ftp server somewhere in the UK. The world’s first web browser Mosaic, had been created only an year earlier and the only way to access the images was through a ftp program. There were only three webpages devoted to Bulgaria – The Bulgarian Homepage 1, the Bulgarian Universe 2, and the Bulgarian Info Page 3. All these websites and other ones that were quickly emerging had only text resources.

In early 1995, I decided to organize the available images into a new website with thumbnails and the Bulgarian Photo Album was born. For the first few years, until the end of the 1990s, I could claim that the Bulgarian Photo Album had a link to every single image of Bulgaria available on the internet.

Of course this is now impossible. I hope that you do enjoy the collection that I have kept for until now. Below are the original images on the Bulgarian Photo Album from 1995.

Georgi Petrov

1 The Bulgarian Homepage was maintained by Penio Penev. The original URL was http://pisa.rockefeller.edu:8080/Bulgaria.
2 The Bulgarian Universe was maintained by Dragomir Radev. The original URL was http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~radev/u/db/bg/
3 The Bulgarian Info Page was maintained by Plamen Bliznakov.

All of the images from Bulgaria that were available on the Internet in 1995

Some of the images have disapeared and I have only their thumbnails.

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